about fathers day

Fathers' Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. It is a day set aside to honor fathers everywhere, whether they are the new father of a baby who is too young to say thank you by themselves, the proud patriarch of a young family, or the father of grown children who have flown the nest but still choose to remember him on that day. Whether he is a foster or adoptive father, a step father or simply a beloved father-figure, a Dad, a Daddy or a Father, this is the day to show him how much he means.

Fathers' Day was first celebrated in the US in 1910, when a woman called Sonora Dodd decided that fathers should be shown the same appreciation as mothers, who had been officially celebrated in the US on Mothers' Day since 1870. The tradition on which Mothers' Day was based could be traced back to ancient Greece, with Mothering Sunday having been used as an opportunity to give gifts and a break from work to mothers in Europe since the 16th century. Mothers had traditionally been the main caregivers, who looked after the family and took care of the home. They were often under appreciated and hard-worked, as demonstrated by the proverb "a woman's work is never done". Mrs Dodd believed that her father deserved the same show of appreciation, having raised six children alone.

Although Fathers' Day was often seen as less important than Mothers' Day, and considered by some to be just a commercial enterprise, the changing role of the father in family life means that they are equally as deserving of a show of appreciation as our mothers. Fathers are no longer the stern head of the family who goes out to work and rarely spends any time with his children.

Fathers' Day is a chance to thank your father for everything he has done for you. Giving him a card and a gift basket is a great way of doing this, particularly when you can't be there in person, while taking over the chores or giving him breakfast in bed can be a way of getting him to relax when you do share the same home. Let him take the day off and treat himself for once.

For many people Fathers' Day is an important chance to set aside some time to spend with their father, whether this means having a special meal together or taking him out for the day. Not everyone can make it on the day, but sending a card or calling him up can let him know that you are thinking of him.
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